Bernhard Hammig获得2016年德国乐器大奖


Bernhard Hammig Winner of the German Musical Instrument Prize 2016 for high-quality instruments!

The transverse flute, "Boehm flute, silver with a B foot joint"came first in all three rated categories and in each case there wasa very significant distance between it and the next rated instrument in terms of both objective and subjective judgements. Its position as the unequivocal winner in the transverse flute category of the German Musical Instrument Prize 2016 is therefore unassailabl6


It is to be seen as an artist's instrument, which offers the musician an abundance of possibilities and va-riety. In this respect, the jury judged the fact that the instrument has ring keys to be anasset. The tone is colourful and even. The tuning is also judged to be a great success, particularly in the problem area of C - C# and in the third octave. In the judge-ment of the jury, the instrumenthas strong, immediate appeal and is easy to play.


The German Musical Instrument Prize has been awarded in two product categories since 1991. The instruments entered for the competition are subjected to a series of tests at the Institute for Musical Instrument Making in Zwota and must demonstrate their quality :


 acoustic i physical tests on sound parameters2. in a subjective, practical test by professional musicians an assessment of craftsmanship and finish by an expert


Additionally, the products must offer good value for money and be sold either via the trade or directly from the maker.


Bernahrd Hammig长笛绝对是一个艺术家的乐器,为音乐家提供了丰富的可能性和价值。在这方面,陪审团认为乐器音调多彩,均匀。调谐也被认为是一个很大的成功,特别是在c - c#和第二个八度的关键区域。在陪审团的判决中,该乐器具有强烈的,出色的吸引力,易于发挥。








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